The Dentist Takes Care of My Teeth
Supplies and Preparation
- Song poster “The Dentist is My Pal”
- Picture of dental chair.
- Dental bib (can use paper towel and yarn).
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Let children know that today (or this week) the class will be talking about going to a special doctor that takes care of teeth.
Does anyone know what a doctor for your teeth is called? (Listen for dentist)
The dentist is a special doctor that takes care of our teeth. The dentist helps keep our teeth strong and healthy and fixes cavities. Have any of you been to the dentist before? Wait for response. Children who have been to the dentist may want to talk about it. If many children want to talk, you can ask them to turn to a friend and tell them about their visit to the dentist.
I’ve been to the dentist before, too! If you haven’t been to the dentist before you can ask your parents to take you. (Be prepared to respond to any fears that are expressed empathy and reassurance.)
You might remember your dentist has a big comfortable chair to sit in (show picture) and there is a big bib that you put on (show picture or bib) and you have to open your mouth really big for the dentist to clean your teeth. Open your mouths wide and show your teeth.
Now, we are ready to sing our song. We are going to stand up when the song says “The chair goes high” and we are going to crouch when the song says, “the chair goes low.
”To the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell.”
The dentist is my pal, the dentist is my pal, The chair goes high, the chair goes low. The dentist is my pal.
There is a waiting room, with lots of things to do,
Books and toys for girls and boys Are waiting there for you. Oooohh!
The dentist is my pal, the dentist is my pal, The chair goes high, the chair goes low. The dentist is my pal.
They ask me to open wide, and then they look inside.
Carefully they check my teeth And keep them healthy and bright. Ooohhh!
The dentist is my pal, the dentist is my pal, The chair goes high, the chair goes low. The dentist is my pal.