Decorate a bulletin board with pictures of dental tools children may see at a dentist office. Label them.
Hang a chart in the classroom called “I had a dental check-up.” Create a thermometer visual that you color in as children get their dental check-up.
Set up a pretend dental office for dramatic play.
At Meals and Snacks
Ask: Who’s been to the dentist? What do you remember about the visit?
While Brushing Teeth
Be a role model. Brush your teeth with the children to show you take care of your teeth too.
Talk about making tiny, tickly circles with a toothbrush to clean the food and germs away.
Give each child an “I brushed my teeth today” sticker to wear home Tell children the dentist will be so proud of them when he sees how well they have been brushing.
Have children pretend their brushes are like the special spinning toothbrush the dentist uses and make a humming noise while they brush.
During Transitions
When children are getting ready to go home, put a sticker on each child that says, “Today I learned about visiting the dentist!”