Healthy Foods for My Teeth
Supplies and Preparation
- Song poster for “Five Little Apples.”
- Five apples or apple pictures (optional).
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What is your favorite food to eat? Listen for and acknowledge responses.
Our class has lots of different favorite foods! Some foods are really good for our bodies and our teeth.
We have a song about Apples! Apples grow high in apple trees. Crunchy apples taste good. Crunchy apples keep our teeth and bodies strong!
Sing to the tune/rhythm of “5 Little Monkeys
Swinging in the Tree.”
Once there were…
Five little apples high in a tree. [Name of child] ate one apple and said: “Hey, look at me!” (How many now?)
Four little apples high in a tree.
[Name of child] ate one apple and said: “Crunchy apple just for me!” (How many now?)
Three little apples high in a tree.
[Name of child] ate one apple and said: “I’m as strong as I can be!” (How many now?)
Two little apples high in a tree.
[Name of child] ate one apple and said: “Healthy, I am going to be!” (How many now?)
One little apple high in a tree.
[Name of child] ate one apple and said: “is good for me, you see!” (How many now?)
No more apples up in the tree,
No more healthy apples for you or me!
Oh, no! No apples left! What else can I eat? (wait for responses of healthy foods) Yes, let’s eat a banana. Thank you. Let’s eat some peas—so good for us! Here’s an orange!
(pretend to eat) —so yummy and good for our teeth!