Tooth Healthy Foods – Birth to 6 Months
Supplies and Preparation
- Book: “Eating The Rainbow” (Babies Everywhere) by Star Bright Book.
- “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” song lyrics
- Plastic or wooden fruits, vegetables, cheeses, meats, etc.
- Introduce Tooth Healthy Foods!
- Tooth Healthy and Tooth Unhealthy Foods list
Print PDFs:

Starting the Conversation
- What types of things related to your baby’s eating habits or nutrition are you wondering about?
- Have you thought about what you’ll feed baby when she is ready for solid foods?
Parent and Child Activity
1. Talk with the parent about tooth healthy and tooth unhealthy foods.
- Use the Tooth Healthy and Tooth Unhealthy Foods List on page 60 to show examples of tooth healthy foods (foods low in sugar and high in fiber and nutrients—fruits, vegetables, cheese/dairy products, meats/proteins) and tooth unhealthy foods (starchy foods high in sugar—chips, crackers, fruit snacks/gummies and other sticky foods that get caught in teeth)
- Tooth healthy foods are good for your teeth; tooth unhealthy foods feed the germs in our mouths, causing acid attacks that weaken teeth and cause cavities.
2 Read “Eating the Rainbow” with the parent and child.
- Talk with the parent about serving tooth healthy foods to her baby when it’s time for baby to start trying solids (note: the parent can call her medical provider to find out when to introduce solids to her baby).
- Have the parent circle tooth healthy foods on the Tooth Healthy and Tooth Unhealthy Foods List that she’d like to serve to her child when baby is ready for solid foods.
Extending the Learning
A. Sing the song “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”
Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O,
And on that farm he had some food, E-I-E-I-O,
With an apple here and a carrot there,
Fruits and vegetables everywhere,
Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
And on that farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O.
With some good milk here and some good cheese there,
Strong teeth, strong bones, everywhere,
Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
And on that farm he had a hog, E-I-E-I-O.
With some protein here and some iron there,
Strong teeth, strong bones, everywhere,
Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
B. Play Peek-a-boo
Bring some play foods and play “peek-a-boo” with baby. Demonstrate how parents can show excitement (“yum!”) about healthy foods.
What tooth healthy foods will you try first with your baby? Why?
How can I support you in offering tooth healthy foods to baby when it’s time?