

Who is it for?

Head Start, child care and home visiting programs and providers.

What will I learn?

You will learn what causes cavities and how they can be prevented. At the end of the training you will understand how to use Cavity Free Kids with children and families in your classroom, on home visits and during family engagement opportunities. You will also learn how to connect children with dental care.

How can I take the training?

Cavity Free Kids training fulfills two hours of STARS credits for those who work in Washington state.

  1. In-person or virtual training for your center: Cavity Free Kids no longer provides in-person or virtual trainings.
  2. Individual, online self-paced training through MERIT Washington’s Professional Development & Workforce Registry: All licensed and soon-to-be licensed, early learning providers in Washington State can complete an online, self-paced version of the Cavity Free Kids training course. More information on MERIT.
    1. Log in to the DCYF Online Training Portal.
    2. Choose Topic: In-service training for STARS hours
    3. Select the course: Cavity-Free-Kids
    4. Need a copy of the workbook? Click HERE to download a copy.